Friday, May 9, 2014

Tucson to Bisbee

My first "real" RV trek.

The Queen Mine RV Park has one virtue: it's real close to downtown Bisbee.  Friendly hostess, too.  But otherwise it's a parking lot with plumbing around the edges.  I'll take a picture and post it from my phone.  It offers water, 30 amps of power, sewage disposal at your site, cable TV, and wi-fi.   If it had more attractions, I probably wouldn't use them.  So this is perfect. A little on the ugly side of perfect, but it works.

The drive down was actually kind of fun.  The seats in the Beast are comfortable enough, and the  cruise control makes it possible to shift positions and keep my back and hip easy.   My new data port display software is a champ: I was able to monitor MPG all the way down.   Turns out that somewhere around 55-65 is peak MPG.  I had some gusty side winds, and it's a long slow uphill from Tucson to here.  I got about 9 mpg overall.  A full day of driving without city traffic would be a bit better.  Maybe. I've been told that it's gonna be right around 10 on the road, almost no matter what. So far that seems about right.

I stopped for lunch in a town along the way.  Pulled into a Safeway parking lot and pulled food out of the fridge, walked the dog, ate.  Went into ACE hardware to get some new valve caps for the tires.  And on my way.

A cool thing:  I got just as good speed and mileage on the two-lane road down to Bisbee from I-10 as I did on the freeway.  Now, I COULD have gone 75; the Beast is fully capable of that.  But "poking" along at 55-60 is fine.  I enjoyed it.  I think I'm gonna like this.

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