Thursday, February 18, 2016

Moving on

I'll be back.  (Said with a deep German-ish accent)

This park is a keeper.  Nothing spectacular, just pleasant (I've used that word a lot, I know.)  It's a candidate for the "just go live for a while" list. For the first time, I've had some good conversations with fellow campers: my next door neighbor with the big white dog, who's full-timing in a little Casitas travel trailer.  Navy vet, originally from Colorado.  A guy from up near Taos.  And the usual polite nods to people out walking their dogs.

There are a couple of other nearby NM parks I want to check out on this trip... so today I'm headed up to Leasburg Dam north of Las Cruces for a couple of  nights.  It's lower and flatter with a nearby canal -- I did make a reservation and I'll have electricity over there.  The fact that I could get a reservation suggests that it's not as sought-after.  I'll write a review for Campendium, and cross-post here for y'all, whoever you are!

Here's where I'm headed. My reserved campsite is circled:

Photo from Google Earth

After that, I don't know.  I need to be back in Tucson Tuesday afternoon for an appointment.

The pancakes were delicious:

I'm enjoying this cooking thing.  Had soup and salad and fresh-baked crescent rolls for dinner last night.  And just a taste of gelato.

It takes a while to get into the rhythm of living in the rig.  Quicker now that I have some experience.  I've stopped checking the battery every 5 minutes ... I shouldn't say this "out loud" but I now know how long I can go and that my regular use pattern in the evening is sustainable without using the generator.  Gotta say how smug I am watching the little solar panel pump juice into the batteries.  I'd like to get some more batteries and more solar ...

I'll stop in Deming on the way over to Leasburg Dam to pick up some stuff I didn't pack, despite all those lists!  Would you believe that the only soap I have is some of that foamy hand-washing soap? And no towels of any kind?  And no broom!?

More later from Leasburg St Park.