Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Leaving Site 73

Yesterday's high winds have abated; it was calm and clear and 33º F this morning.  It felt like real camping dreading slithering out of my nylon sleeping bag.  It did not feel like real camping turning on the furnace for a few minutes to take the chill off!  The interior temperature was 39º F, so I felt that was warranted.  I turned the furnace off after about 10 minutes: The catalytic heater is keeping it comfy, with no battery drain to run a fan.

Nor does it feel like real camping sitting here drinking coffee and attending to personal finance matters on the computer.

I'm headed home.  I won't try to summarize this trip experience just yet.  But here's some final images from Site 73. I trust that you've learned you can see these full size by clicking on them.

Yes, I know the horizon line shouldn't be in the center
of the image.  Rule of thirds, and all that.
I'm working on that.

I've been assiduously watering this tree for a couple of days.  The little guy on the red ball is, I have decided, the familiar of this place.  Emma would have had other ideas.  Dance on, little dude!

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